Brock University

Brock provides opportunities for social and academic growth that don’t exist at larger universities. Like access to professors. Our emphasis on moderate class sizes in seminar settings makes more students full participants in the learning experience.

Brock University is a special place that’s worth a visit.

The residence system at Brock has been recognized as being one of the best in Canada. Your “home away from home”, residence at Brock will provide you with the opportunity to live in outstanding modern facilities, meet new friends, and become a vital part of the Brock community. Living in residence is an experience like no other, and will provide you with memories that last a lifetime.

Brock has always been a place for well-rounded people to nurture both sides of their brain. Yes, both sides. Not just the academic side of your brain, the one that you take to your classes, but the other side too. The side of the brain that drives your passions outside of the classroom.

At Brock, these diverse passions are not only welcomed but celebrated, and students can become better versions of themselves. We are not numbers; we are individuals encouraged to make our own marks, and develop both sides of our brain.

Brock’s Student Services help support and promote the present and future well-being of students, while providing an exceptional student experience both inside and outside the classroom.

They enhance student development and success through innovative programs, services and partnerships. They help to create a community that is accessible to all, one where diversity is celebrated and good citizenship is valued. Brock offers an enriched, safe, inclusive environment where you become part of a vibrant community.

Life @ Brock University
BEC Volunteer